remote monitoring

Rischi geologici

Rischi geologici

Il gruppo di ricerca lavora sui rischi geologici: rischio di frana, rischio sismico, rischio sinkhole in ambito urbano e rischio inquinamento delle falde acquifere, anche attrverso approcci multirschio. Analizziamo i processi e i fattori di controllo con l'obiettivo di mitigare i conseguenti rischi sulle opere e sul territorio. Affiniamo tecniche di monitoraggio di contatto e, soprattutto,  in remoto quale strumento di analisi, di controllo e di gestione del territorio e delle opere coinvolte. 

Rischi geologici

Rischi geologici

Il gruppo di ricerca lavora sui rischi geologici: rischio di frana, rischio sismico, rischio sinkhole in ambito urbano e rischio inquinamento delle falde. Analizziamo i processi e i fattori di controllo con l'obiettivo di mitigare i conseguenti rischi sulle opere e sul territorio. Affiniamo tecniche di monitoraggio di contatto e, soprattutto,  in remoto quale strumento di analisi, di controllo e di gestione del territorio e delle opere coinvolte .

Performance Evaluation of a Hybrid Thermal-Photovoltaic Panel

A theoretical and experimental analysis of a thermal-photovoltaic panel, whose purpose is to produce both electrical and thermal energies, has been performed. In order to achieve the main objective, the different components that constitute the thermal-photovoltaic panel have been studied and a simulation model of the thermal-photovoltaic panel has been developed. Furthermore, a prototype of the whole system consisting of a commercial panel, the thermal and electrical circuits, and an innovative wireless remote data acquisition system has been setup.

Hybrid wireless sensor networks: a prototype

Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are widely used to assist monitoring of an area of interest whenever manual monitoring by skilled personnel is not convenient if not prohibitive. In this paper, we propose a step ahead with respect to the current status of art, with the design and implementation of a novel networked architecture which integrates a set of static ground nodes, an Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV), and an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) in a unique monitoring system.

Feasibility of a wearable reflectometric system for sensing skin hydration

One of the major goals of Health 4.0 is to offer personalized care to patients, also through real-time, remote monitoring of their biomedical parameters. In this regard, wearable monitoring systems are crucial to deliver continuous appropriate care. For some biomedical parameters, there are a number of well established systems that offer adequate solutions for real-time, continuous patient monitoring. On the other hand, monitoring skin hydration still remains a challenging task.

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