retrodunal humid depressions

Seed germination data of Sporobolus aculeatus (Poaceae) and Juncus subulatus (Juncaceae)

The most significant results of seed germination of Sporobolus aculeatus (L.) P.M.Petersonand Juncus subulatus Forssk. are reported. The seeds were collected from the Natural Monument “Palude di Torre Flavia” in Latium. The highest germination value (92.0%) for S. aculeatus seeds were obtained after 2 months of cold stratification and then incubation at an alternating temperature of 20/10°C in continuous darkness. For J. subulatus, the best germination value (95.0%) were obtained with alternating temperatures, 20/10°C and 15/6°C, under a 12/12h (light/dark) photoperiod.

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