
Risk management and Healthcare responsibility. How to guarantee legal protection in Medicine

Having regard to the increasing attention to the issue of safety and health of patients and workers by low, the hypothesis that this topic will be the growing trend in the next years does not seem to be manifestly unfounded. For this reason, it is wise for healthcare professionals to already be aware that any violation of the interests underlying the legislation in question entails a ruling on civil and/or criminal liability.

The Quest for Rights

This discerning book explores the concept of human and fundamental rights, originating from the seminal work by the German legal scholar and constitutional lawyer Robert Alexy. Recognising the growing challenges to the idea of the universality of Human Rights, expert scholars consider time-independent conceptual questions which inevitably lie at the heart of any contemporary human rights discourse: What is the justification of balancing and/or trading off fundamental rights against other rights and collective goods?

Between “institutionalizing reason” and private law. A comparative map of influences

This discerning book explores the concept of human and fundamental rights, originating from the seminal work by the German legal scholar and constitutional lawyer Robert Alexy. Recognising the growing challenges to the idea of the universality of Human Rights, expert scholars consider time-independent conceptual questions which inevitably lie at the heart of any contemporary human rights discourse: What is the justification of balancing and/or trading off fundamental rights against other rights and collective goods?

Sul concetto di libertà in Marx

The concept of freedom has a central role in Marx’s thought. This essay aims at discussing the meaning this concept has for Marx by starting from a specific point of view: from the critique he addresses to the liberal concept of freedom, that according to him characterizes the Declarations of Rights of the French Revolution and similar strands in political thought (see in particular The Jewish Question).

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