
Monitoring of pistachio (Pistacia Vera) ripening by high field nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy

The metabolic profiling of pistachio (Pistacia vera) aqueous extracts from two different cultivars, namely ‘Bianca’ and ‘Gloria’, was monitored over the months from May to September employing high field NMR spectroscopy. A large number of water-soluble metabolites were assigned by means of 1D and 2D NMR experiments. The change in the metabolic profiles monitored over time allowed the pistachio development to be investigated. Specific temporal trends of amino acids, sugars, organic acids and other metabolites were observed and analysed by multivariate Partial Least Squares (PLS) analysis.

Changes in the microsomal proteome of tomato fruit during ripening

The variations in the membrane proteome of tomato fruit pericarp during ripening have been investigated by mass spectrometry-based label-free proteomics. Mature green (MG30) and red ripe (R45) stages were chosen because they are pivotal in the ripening process: MG30 corresponds to the end of cellular expansion, when fruit growth has stopped and fruit starts ripening, whereas R45 corresponds to the mature fruit.

Olive fruit ripening evaluation and quality assessment by hyperspectral sensing devices

The present work explores the possible utilization of hyperspectral devices, to evaluate olive fruit ripening in order to define optimal harvesting strategies and/or to perform an in depth characterization of the product addressed to "canned olive" productions, whose conservation characteristics, and related organoleptic attributes, strongly condition market price and producers revenue.

Kiwifruits ripening assessment by portable hyperspectral devices

This study aimed to evaluate the possibility to utilize portable hyperspectral devices in order to perform fast, reliable,
low cost and robust monitoring of kiwifruits ripening both in field and/or in processing storage facilities. This
determination is of great interest, not only to assess kiwi taste according to market requirement, but also to set up
efficient handling and conservation strategies avoiding loss of product. To reach these goals two different sensing units

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