Roman Forum

Largo della Salara vecchia. Il progetto del margine nell’area archeologica centrale di Roma. Largo della Salara vecchia. The project of the edge in the central archaeological area of Rome

The paper aims to illustrate a project, developed by a group of professors and doctoral students of the Department of Architecture and Design of the La Sapienza University of Rome, located in the archaeological area of Rome, precisely at the entrance to the Roman-Palatine forum, near the temple of Antoninus and Faustina (today the church of San Lorenzo in Miranda), a place called Largo della Salara Vecchia, currently defined by an irregular plan and by the presence of some small service volumes.

Ground penetrating radar and electrical resistivity tomography investigations in the southern sector of the Roman Forum. First results on the pre-Augustan phases of the Basilica Julia

A research project aimed at the study of the archaeological context of the Basilica Julia in the Roman Forum (Rome, Italy) and the transformation phases of the building involved the use of different techniques of geophysical prospecting. In particular, Ground-penetrating Radar (GPR) and Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) surveys were carried out in order to record the buried structures of the Basilica and the previous buildings laying in the southern part of the Forum.

Protection and Enhancement Models for Cultural Heritage

Il contributo illustra i progressi raggiunti nell'interpretazione dell'aspetto funzionale del Comitium e nella lettura della lex del Niger Lapis, grazie ad un approccio multidisciplinare che coinvolge esperti dei diversi settori delle Digital Humanities. Il "modello Comitium", elaborato con riferimento al Foro Romano, è applicabile anche alle colonie e ai municipi romani.

Diritto e nuove tecnologie. Modelli di tutela e di valorizzazione dei beni culturali

Il contributo illustra i progressi raggiunti nell'interpretazione dell'aspetto funzionale del Comitium e nella lettura della lex del Niger Lapis, grazie ad un approccio multidisciplinare che coinvolge esperti dei diversi settori delle Digital Humanities. Il "modello Comitium", elaborato con riferimento al Foro Romano, è applicabile anche alle colonie e ai municipi romani.

Geophysical investigations for the knowledge of the buried structures in the Basilica Julia at the Roman Forum

Within a research project aimed at the study of the archaeological context of the Basilica Julia in the Roman Forum and the reconstruction of the transformation phases of the building, different techniques of geophysical prospecting were performed. In particular, GPR and ERT surveys were carried out and allowed for the acquisition of interesting data on the foundations of the Basilica Julia, built during the late Republican period and rebuilt at the beginning of the Imperial age, and on the buried remains of the previous Basilica Sempronia, built in the 2nd cent. BC in the same area.

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