Roman Law

Dittatura e stato di necessità: il caso di Spurio Melio

The essay aims to a thorough inquire into Spurius Melius' case, supposed ta have taken place in 439 b.C. Given some remarks on emergency law in the up to date context, the paper gives a full exposure on the state of the art about the case. According to scholars, Spurius Melius was treated as homo sacer, as he broke the lex Valeria de adfectatione regni. In the essay is on the contrary given credit to ancient law sources, according to which a dictatos was appointed into the case. This dictactor, Cincinnatus, treated Spurius Melius case according to the new enactments of the XII Tables.

Protection and Enhancement Models for Cultural Heritage

Il contributo illustra i progressi raggiunti nell'interpretazione dell'aspetto funzionale del Comitium e nella lettura della lex del Niger Lapis, grazie ad un approccio multidisciplinare che coinvolge esperti dei diversi settori delle Digital Humanities. Il "modello Comitium", elaborato con riferimento al Foro Romano, è applicabile anche alle colonie e ai municipi romani.

Adluvio im roemischen Recht

The essay deals with acquire of ownership by fluvial activity in Roman Law, with particular reference to adluvio. The topics herein studied are natural description of fluvial events in Roman law sources (quite complex on adluvio), their juridical nature (increase or in some cases decrease of land that borders with a river), legal effects of them (acquisition of property ipso iure by the land owner rather as a juridical acquire iure gentium than as a mere physical increase of land with no legal matters related to it), condition of lands where fluvial acquires could take place.

Review of Andreas Groten, Corpus und universitas: roemisches Koerperschafts- und Gesellschafstsrecht: zwischen griechischer Philosophie und roemischer Politik

Recensione di un importante volume tedesco sul diritto associativo romano, coronato dal Premio Boulvert quale migliore opera prima di diritto romano - fra le numerose in concorso - nel triennio 2013-2015

Stravaganze supreme sull’etimologia di lat. pārĭcīdas

This paper deals with the much disputed etymology of Lat. paricīdas, a technical term occurring in a legal fragment transmitted by Paulus Diaconus’ De significatione verborum (247, 19-24 Lindsay). The ancient word is attributed toNuma Pompilius’ legal code dating back to the 8th-7th century B.C. Relying on a vast scientific literature that includes hundreds of titles, firstly the philological data are thoroughly discussed, and three phonologically different variants of the word are reconstructed: the archaic /pārĭkīdas/ in Paulus Diaconus, the classical

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