
Variations in the fuel structure control the rate of the back and forth motions of a chemically fuelled molecular switch

This work deals with the use of 2-cyano-2-arylpropanoic acids as chemical fuels for an acid-base operated molecular switch that consists of a Sauvage-type catenand composed of two identical macrocycles incorporating a phenanthroline unit. When used as a base promoter of the decarboxylation of propanoic acid derivatives, the switch undergoes large amplitude motion from the neutral catenand to a protonated catenate and back again to the neutral state.

Dissipative catalysis with a molecular machine

We report on catalysis by a fuel-induced transient state of a synthetic molecular machine. A [2]rotaxane molecular shuttle containing secondary ammonium/amine and thiourea stations is converted between catalytically inactive and active states by pulses of a chemical fuel (trichloroacetic acid), which is itself decomposed by the machine and/or the presence of additional base. The ON-state of the rotaxane catalyzes the reduction of a nitrostyrene by transfer hydrogenation.

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