rural areas

Territories and Landscapes: Place Identity, Quality of Life and Psychological Well-Being in Rural Areas

Various authors in the psychological field deal with the relationship between environment and wellbeing and particularly the impact of the environmental setting on quality of life (Bonnes, Secchiaroli, 1992; Twigger-Ross, Uzzell, 1996) and the importance of living in suitable environments, fitting needs and expectations (Zani, Cicognani, 2004). Geographically speaking, the significance of landscape is evident, as far as personal and territorial identities are concerned (Castiglioni, 2011).

Among the working papers of a paleographer: the discovery of a territory and its culture

Not long ago, the authors of this paper came across a box containing a portion of the archive of Vincenzo Federici. This discovery gave rise to a research project that involved the location, analysis, and archival arrangement of the remaining part of the archive, and the study of sources found in other archives to reconstruct the many aspects of the activity of a multifaceted academic character.

Reinventare un nuovo rapporto coevolutivo tra uomo e ambiente come antidoto alla fragilità della terra

La strutturale fragilità delle aree interne del nostro paese interroga profondamente il rapporto coevolutivo tra uomo e ambiente che si è irrimediabilmente compromesso dopo l’avvento dell’industrializzazione. E’ in questo preciso momento storico che la modernità irrompe a recidere ogni legame con la terra favorendo un processo di abbandono. Quel rapporto produttivo e rigenerativo che legava le comunità insediate ai loro territori si sbriciola.

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