same-sex marriage

Could educational programs in sexology have an influence on attitudes towards same-sex marriage and parenting?

Research on LGBT health services is urgent as well as effective actions. Some studiesinvestigating the attitudes of mental Health Care Professionals (HCPs), social workers, medi-cal trainees and professionals, students, and resident assistants towards Lesbian and Gay (LG)people showed a significant negative role of sexism affecting attitudes towards LGBT people,marriage and parenting. This study aimed to investigate the influence of Educational Programsin Sexology (EPS) on sexism, homophobia, and attitudes towards same-sex marriage and parent-ing.

From gay liberation to marriage equality: A political lesson to be learnt

This article deals with the issue of resignification to advance a hypothesis on the way in
which social practices are transformed with recourse to the language of institutions.
It first discusses the transition from gay liberation to same-sex marriage equality by
exploring the trajectory of homosexuals’ rights claims. The article continues by providing
a theoretical interpretation of what brought this shift about, that is, what the author
calls a movement ‘from the street to the court’: in both civil law and common law

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