Sapienza University

From theory to empiricism. The challenge to the future of Sapienza University at Solar Decathlon Middle East

This chapter analyzes the concrete case of ReStart4Smart in the context of the international Solar Decathlon competition and in the light of the wider context provided by the European Union through the Horizon 2020 program. The European Union, with the Horizon 2020 project, aims to favor safe, innovative and inclusive societies, which progressively reduce energy consumption.

Da Gerico a Betlemme. La missione della Sapienza a Gerico e l’archeologia italiana in Palestina (1997-2017) con il contributo del Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale

When after the Oslo and Madrid agreements the Palestinian National Authority was established it was also provided of a Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities – Dept. of Archaeology and Cultural Heritage (MOTA-DACH). At that time, Sapienza University of Rome was chosen as ideal partner to start a new deal in the archaeology of Palestine.

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