scale validation

City Reputation Indicators (CRIs): measuring inhabitants’ city representation / Indicadores de Reputación Urbana: midiendo la representación de una ciudad en sus habitantes

Abstract: Reputation is a socially mediated form of knowledge. In social psychology it has been studied with reference to different social actors (individuals, brands, cities, etc). However, the social-psychological conceptualization of city reputation lacks a consensual definition. This research aims to operationally define city reputation, via the construction and validation of the City Reputation Indicators (CRIs).

Validation of a brief scale assessing Eating Self-Efficacy

Background: Eating self-efficacy (ESE) may be defined as the belief in one’s ability to self-regulate eating. Several ESE scales have been proposed but most of them focus on weight management or dieting. We developed a very brief scale assessing ESE in situations in which people face external (i.e. food availability and social eating) or internal (i.e. emotions, tension and hunger) pressures for excessive food intake.

One perception, two perspectives. Measuring psychological contract dimensionality through the Psychological Contract Content Questionnaire

The present study aims to contribute to the validity strengthening of a psychological contract meas- ure, assessing the dimensionality of the item structure of the Psychological Contract Content Question- naire (PCCQ). According to the authors (De Vos, Buyens, & Schalk, 2003), the scale consists of two theoretical dimensions, one to measure perceived employer inducement (PEI) and the other to measure perceived employee contributions (PEC), both from the employee’s perception, each divided into five content areas.

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