
Poles of integration in the schools of the roman suburbs

The research focuses on the integration, complementarity, flexibility and versatility of learning environments as key to the definition of
new and better learning spaces. This assumption does not stop within the school space but the fundamental role that schools play in the
urban structure.
The primary area of observation in the urban structure is the suburbs, where schools play a key social role for integration and the
establishment of active communities. The schools of the suburbs are the centre of gravity and the crossroads of a cultural pluralism,

School-age dental screening: oral health and eating habits

the study has the purpose to evaluate the association between clinical data collected from dental screening carried out on children and their eating habits.
Materials and methods: The dental screening was carried out on a sample of eight-year-old children attending the third grade of the elementary schools of Gaeta (Latina). Clinical data and periodontal status indexes were recorded. The descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation, frequency) of all data were calculated and anova analysis and chi square test have been performed.

Lo Studio SCoPre (Sviluppo Cognitivo e Prematurità): dati preliminari sullo sviluppo dei “Late Preterms” in età scolare

Background. In Italy, children born Late Preterm (LPs, 34-36 weeks of gestational age) represent about 4% of all births. LPs have a higher risk of mortality, repeated hospitalizations in early life, chronic illnesses and functional limitations, compared
to children born at term. Moreover, LPs are more likely to experience difficulties in their neurodevelopment, which may impair adaptation, especially at school. This study explores the developmental and behavioural outcomes of LPs compared to those of “Very Preterm” (VPs) or “Full Term” (FTs) peers.

Green Breaks: the restorative effect of the school environment's green areas on children's cognitive performance

Restoration involves individuals' physical, psychological, and social resources, which have diminished over the years in the process of meeting the demands of everyday life. Psychological restoration can be provided by specific environments, in particular by natural environments. Studies report a restorative effect of nature on human beings, specifically in terms of the psychological recovery from attention fatigue and restored mental resources that were previously spent in activities that require attention.

Le competenze digitali nella scuola. Un'indagine dell'Osservatorio Mediamonitor Minori della Sapienza di Roma

La situazione di emergenza sanitaria determinata dalla pandemia di Covid-19 non ha fatto altro che accelerare la legittimazione dell’educazione digitale come percorso di educazione alla cittadinanza, nonché l’acquisizione di una sua dignità istituzionale anche nel dibattito pubblico e politico.

Key skills for the students of tomorrow: a cross-sectional survey among school teachers and university lecturers

The survey here presented is part of the Horizon 2020 “Up2University” (Up2U) project, aiming at bridging the gap between school and university by promoting learners’ acquisition of crucial skills through formal and informal learning so to let them be successful and achieve challenging goals in the modern-day knowledge and network society.

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