school dropout

Resilienza e successo formativo per contrastare la povertà educativa/Resilience and educational achievement to fight educational poverty

The theme of educational poverty is becoming increasingly central to the national and international
scientific and pedagogical debate, but also to the public and political one. The concept is
multidimensional and presents the characteristics of scale necessary to frame the complexity of
social and educational situations related to inequalities and issues of equity, social justice and access to rights not relegated to the economic sphere alone. The contribution aims to initiate a

Effect of parental job loss on child school dropout. Evidence from the Occupied palestinian territories

We study the effect of parental job loss on child school dropout in developing countries. We focus on Palestinian households living in the Occupied Palestinian Territories and having the household head employed in Israel during the Second Intifada (2000–2006). We exploit quarterly variation in conflict intensity across districts in the OPT to instrument for Palestinian workers’ job loss in Israel. Our 2SLS results show that parental job loss increases child school dropout probability by 9 percentage points. The effect varies with child and household characteristics.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma