
Perceived preparedness of dental academic institutions to cope with the covid-19 pandemic: A multi-country survey

Dental academic institutions are affected by COVID-19. We assessed the perceived COVID19 preparedness of these institutions and the characteristics of institutions with greater perceived preparedness. An international cross-sectional survey of dental academics was conducted from March to August 2020 to assess academics’ and institutional attributes, perceived preparedness, and availability of infection prevention and control (IPC) equipment. Principal component analysis (PCA) identified perceived preparedness components.

Architecture and Communities Today

One of the roles society expects by architecture is the ability to shape communities, remodel environments,
and influence behaviours in a predictable and positive way. Furthermore, architects claims for themselves the
professional skills to express social imagination through their architectural ideas and design. During the early 1960s a new idea of space and community emerged: the concept of placemaking raised and activists and personalities theorised the slogan "cities for people" and not only for cars and shopping centres.

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