
Withdrawal from acute medication normalises short-term cortical synaptic potentiation in medication overuse headache

Objectives: To study the effects of a standard acute medication withdrawal program on short-term cortical plasticity mechanisms in patients with medication overuse headache (MOH). Methods: Thirteen patients with MOH and 16 healthy volunteers underwent repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) over the left motor cortex; in patients with MOH, recordings were performed before and after a 3-week medication withdrawal program. Ten trains of 10 stimuli each (120% resting motor threshold) were delivered at 1 Hz or 5 Hz in two separate sessions in a randomised order.

MitImpact 3: modeling the residue interaction network of the Respiratory Chain subunits

Numerous lines of evidence have shown that the interaction between the nuclear and mitochondrial genomes ensures the efficient functioning of the OXPHOS complexes, with substantial implications in bioenergetics, adaptation, and disease. Their interaction is a fascinating and complex trait of the eukaryotic cell that MitImpact explores with its third major release.

Vaccine boosters. Mandatory is not the only way, but it does seem to be an effective way

Gli autori sono particolarmente delusi dall'uso del termine "autoritario" come recentemente indicato per la nuova politica di vaccinazione obbligatoria in Francia, e anche dal concetto di soppressione della libertà personale che è stato associato a tale vaccinazione obbligatoria. essere completamente liberi quando sono pienamente consapevoli delle conseguenze delle loro scelte. Inoltre, in una comunità, il concetto di libertà individuale non può essere considerato separatamente dal rispetto dei diritti degli altri membri della comunità.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma