secondary data

Contact With Gay Men and Lesbian Women Moderates the Negative Relationship Between Religiosity and Endorsement of Same-Sex Unions’ and Families’ Rights

This study investigated the moderation effect of contact with gay men and lesbian women on the relationship between religiosity levels with the endorsement of same-sex unions’ and families’ rights. Analyses were carried out on a national representative cross-sectional sample of 5,544 Italian adult residents (% females = 54).

Immigrazione e criminalità. La "labeling theory" oggi

The work that will be here develop focuses on the sociological concept of deviance and, in particular, on the dynamics of migration in Italy. Starting from the explanation of all the theories that refer to the so-called sociology of deviance (especially with the contributions of of Lemert, Goffman and Becker) it will analyze the statistical data relating to italian and foreigners prisoners in Italy from 2008 to 2015.

Risk factors for marriage dissolution: analysis of critical events in a couple life

Over the last twenty years, the intimate sphere and the conjugal behaviour of Italians is radically changed. Undoubtedly, the increase of number both of legal separations and divorces, as well as defining the presence of a new and emerging phenomenon in our national context (precisely, the conflict within the couple and the resulting conjugal instability), can be seen as an indicator of this change.

Young Italians. Employed, Unemployed and NEET

The data provided by the National Institute for Statistics showed that, over the last ten years, the youth employment rate (15-34 years) has decreased by 10.2 percentage points. However, if we look at the segments, the young unemployment rate has considerably increased both for the young adults 15-24 years of age (from 20.4% in 2007 to 34.7% in 2017) and for the young adults 25-34 years (from 8.3% to 17%).

Foreign Students and University. A Case Study

The proposed work focuses on the analysis of the academic career of foreign students in Italy. In fact, as evidenced in the last report published by the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR) in March 2018, it emerges that the proportion of students with non-Italian citizenship who continue their studies at university remains still substantial even if this percentage is higher for the autochthonous (33.9% versus 51.1%).

Some indicators for the analysis of interculturality in Italy

The goal of this study is the analysis, through secondary data deriving from the main national sources, of migration’s phenomenon in Italy from 2007 to 2014. In particular, the purpose of paper is the description of interculturality focusing the attention on four specific dimensions of the daily life, like citizenship, education, labour market and marriage. Each of these offers a set of statistical indicators useful to observe the integration of migrants in Italy.

"Till death do us part". Analysis of the marital relationships in the 21st century

Despite of globalization and individualization processes throughout last decades, everyday individual life has radically changed. Particularly, traditional family system has been af-fected by these phenomena if we consider the increase in marital uncertainty and, hence, the de-legitimization of the old-fashioned conjugal bond. This is mostly due to the recent introduction of the divorce law through European Countries.

Italian Families' Changes in a Transformation Society

Over the last few years, Italy has been run over of several changes in most relevant social areas like economic (for example, the financial crisis since 2007), political (for example, the development of new political movements) and also demographic one (for example, the ageing population and the falling birth rate). More in detail, especially with reference to this last, our research wants to focus the attention on Italian family system that, as pointed out by the National Institute for Statistics in the last Annual Report (2018), has become increasingly unstable and fragile.

Poor and materially deprived people. Analysis of the current situation in Italy

In recent decades, the growth of the world population caused the absolute number of extremely poor people in the world to increase (Roser & Ortiz-Ospina, 2013). Moreover, while the progress continues in the developed Countries, fragile contexts affected by conflict/poor governance/natural disasters have seen an increasing number of people living in poverty (Collier & Dollar, 2002; Sumner, 2016).

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