
Reteporella spp. success in the re-colonization of bare coralligenous reefs impacted by Costa Concordia shipwreck. The pioneer species you did not expect

We report here for the first time the effectiveness of Reteporella bryozoan genus in the early stage of coralligenous reefs recolonization through the analysis of the settlement and the population size structure over a two-years period at two impacted and two control sites. Results highlighted how Reteporella spp. colonies strongly recolonized, from 2017 to 2019, the bare coralligenous reefs subjected to the Costa Concordia shipwreck and its related anthropogenic disturbances, notably increasing both their density and percentage coverage.

Nuove ricerche nel territorio di Civitavecchia. Un progetto per Aquae Tauri

Inspired by the surveys carried out by the ‘Società Storica Civitavecchiese’ at La Ficoncella, in the territory of Civitavecchia, in 2016 the ‘Soprintendenza ai beni culturali’ involved in the research the Universities of Bologna and Rome Sapienza. In 2017, thanks to the contribution of the Municipality of Civitavecchia, archaeological investigations started, under the direction of the University of Bologna with the collaboration of the University of Roma Sapienza and the support of local institutions and associations.

Finite Element modelling of tunnelling-induced displacements on framed structures

The construction of tunnels in urban areas inevitably entails the interaction with existing structures. While the effect of tunnel excavation on masonry structures has been thoroughly studied, the response of framed buildings has not been widely investigated in the past. In this paper, a parametric study of the response to tunnelling of reinforced concrete framed structures founded on strip footings is carried out using the Finite Element method.

Tyrrhenian central Italy. Holocene population and landscape ecology

This paper compares changes in vegetation structure and composition (using synthetic fossil pollen data) with proxy data for population levels (including settlements and radiocarbon dates) over the course of the last 10 millennia in Tyrrhenian central Italy. These data show generalised patterns of clearance of woodland in response both to early agriculturalists and urbanism, as well as the specific adoption of tree crops and variations in stock grazing.

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