settlement patterns

Assyrian imperial frontiers during the first millennium BC. The case of the Iraqi Middle Euphrates

Many recent studies have dealt with the nature of the Assyrian imperial frontiers, demonstrating how diversified they have been through time and space, with cases such as Khabur and Upper Tigris regions. On the other hand, the Assyrian periphery along the Iraqi middle Euphrates – ancient region of Suḫu – is archaeologically less known. The archaeological investigations before the construction of the Haditha Dam revealed many sites datable to the Iron Age, some of which seemed to have a marked military nature. The region was therefore seen as a seat for fortresses of the Assyrian Empire.

Settlement patterns and developments towards urban life in Central and Southern Italy during the Bronze Age

This paper discusses socio-cultural developments in central and southern Italy between the late 3rd and the early 1st millennia BC, particularly focussing on settlement patterns. Over this span of time, the foundations were laid for the process towards urbanisation that occurred in various Italian regions at the threshold of the historic period.

Rituale funerario e cultura materiale nell'Abruzzo interno: il caso di Navelli

The necropolis of Piano at Navelli was excavated during 2013-2014 by the University of Chieti-Pescara “G. d’Annunzio”. In this area, still scarcely known from the archaeological point of view, the campaign brought to light a hundred graves dated between the end of the 7th and the 4th-3rd century BC, deployed around two female burials, whose grave goods (dated to the end of the 7th century BC) suggest an emerging role for the women buried. The 6th century graves are characterized by a certain pattern of grave good composition.

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