Al-Kamiliyya was a Shi'i sect that emerged in the aftermath of the First Civil War (35–40/656–61).
Al-Kamiliyya was a Shi'i sect that emerged in the aftermath of the First Civil War (35–40/656–61).
The community of Shiite alchemists gathered under the pen name of Ǧābir
b. Ḥayyān produced an important corpus first studied by Paul Kraus, who
dated it between the third/ninth and fourth/tenth centuries. The religious,
doctrinal and political issues of the corpus – especially in the last two
collections – show that the Ǧābireans were a real sectarian trend unknown
to heresiographers. Kraus, along with some scholars after him, understood
the Ǧābirean community to be an expression of Ismaili thought. This paper
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