shotgun proteomics

Label-free shotgun proteomics approach to characterize muscle tissue from farmed and wild european sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax)

Sea bass represents one of the main fish products in the market. Most of it comes from farming and is bred in different conditons with respect to the wild fish. Differences may thus be expected. In this study, a proteomic profile of farmed and wild sea bass samples was performed, employing a fractionation strategy where peptide samples were first separated by 2D chromatography. The peptides were finally analyzed by shotgun proteomics workflow combined to tandem MS.

A multidimensional liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry platform to improve protein identification in high-throughput shotgun proteomics

A new on-line multidimensional system for sequential trapping and individual elution and separationof peptides based on their molecular weight is described. By sequentially using two chemically differenttrapping columns, a polymethacrylate monolith and a packed C18 one, peptides from complex samplescan be on-line trapped and divided into two fractions, containing respectively mainly medium-large pep-tides and smaller peptides. Then, by means of two switching valves working in parallel, the two fractionswere individually separated by reversed phase chromatography.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma