
A phytosociological analysis of the Brachypodium rupestre (Host) Roem. & Schult. communities of Sicily

dynamically linked to the deciduous oak woods, which are widespread within the upper-colline, submontane and lower montane belts (800-1400
m) of the Tyrrhenian side of the northern Sicily and in the Sicani mountains. In the study area B. rupestre grasslands were mainly found in colluvial
plains or drainage lines where relatively deep and mesic soils occur. In this paper 42 phytosociological relevés were performed and statistically

The Sicilian Wolf: Genetic Identity of a Recently Extinct Insular Population

Historically, many local grey wolf (Canis lupus) populations have undergone substantial reductions
in size or become extinct. Among these, the wolf population once living in Sicily, the largest island
in the Mediterranean Sea, was completely eradicated by human activity in the early decades of the
20th century. To gain a better understanding of the genetic identity of the Sicilian wolf, we used
techniques for the study of ancient DNA to analyze the mitochondrial DNA of six specimens stored

Cannatello, Sicily. The connective history of the LBA central Mediterranean hub

The paper highlights the importance of the site of Cannatello (Agrigento, Sicily), as one of the connective hubs of the LBA Mediterranean, both in the booming phase and in the crisis years. The presence of exotic pottery is described through archaeometric analysis and a tentative sequence of growth in relevance of the different connections is proposed, on the basis of the preliminary review of the excavations. It is argued that Cannatello shows the growing involvement of western actors in the LBA Mediterranean scenario.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma