
A Novel Stealthy Attack to Gather SDN Configuration-Information

Software Defined Networking (SDN) is a recent network architecture based on the separation of forwarding functions from network logic, and provides high flexibility in the management of the network. In this paper, we show how an attacker can exploit SDN programmability to obtain detailed knowledge about the network behaviour. In particular, we introduce a novel attack, named Know Your Enemy (KYE), which allows an attacker to gather vital information about the configuration of the network.

Template attacks exploiting static power and application to CMOS lightweight crypto-hardware

A new class of template attacks aiming at recovering the secret key of a cryptographic core from measurements of its static power consumption is presented in this paper. These attacks exploit the dependence of the static current of Complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor Integrated Circuits on the input vector and the maximum likelihood decision rule as a statistical distinguisher.

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