signals classification

Self-induced emotions as alternative paradigm for driving brain–computer interfaces

A Brain–Computer Interface (BCI) uses measurements of the voluntary brain activity for driving a communication system; it requires the activation of mental tasks. In the last few years, a new paradigm of activation has been used, consisting in the autonomous brain activation through self-induced emotions, remembered on autobiographical basis. In the present paper, such paradigm is implemented and the resulting BCI system is described, from the classification strategy to the graphic user interface necessary for synchronising mental tasks and collecting EEG signals derived by emotions.

BCI driven by self-induced emotions: a multi-class study

Brain Computer Interfaces (BCIs) use measurements of the voluntary brain activity for driving a communication system, by means of the activation of mental tasks. In recent literature, a novel activation paradigm, based on the self-induction of emotions, has been proposed and some classification strategies for self-induced emotions have been designed, together with a modular framework for the implementation of binary BCIs.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma