
Is visual creativity embodied? Thinking aloud while performing the creative mental synthesis task

Over time, the view that creativity is embodied has emerged. In order to explore if visual creativity is supported by embodied mechanisms, the simulation approach was used as a framework of reference. The idea that visual creativity relies on mental representations that implement motor processes was faced. Participants were instructed to think aloud while carrying out the Creative Mental Synthesis Task, which allows to form pre-inventive structures and interpret them according to a specific category.

From phylogenetic to functional originality. Guide through indices and new developments

In biodiversity studies a species is often classified as original when it has few closely related species, a definition
that reflects its phylogenetic originality. More recently, studies have focussed on biological or functional traits
that reflect the role(s) that species play within communities and ecosystems. This has led many studies to an
alternative evaluation of species’ originality: its functional originality. Most indices of species' originality were

Computer cluster Sixdot


La piattaforma dispone di 4 nodi di calcolo, con la seguente configurazione:

N. 2 Intel SKL-SP 4116 12C 2.1GHz 
N. 4 16GB DDR4
N. 2 NVIDIA Geforce GTX 1080Ti
Il cluster è accessibile dal nodo di front-end attraverso il protocollo ssh.

I calcoli sono gestiti con un sistema di code basato su Torque/Maui che ottimizza al meglio le risorse disponibili.

Per maggiori dettagli, è disponibile per gli utenti del cluster una guida all’utilizzo delle risorse.

I pacchetti di sviluppo sono:

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma