skin cancer

Terahertz Scattering Microscopy For Dermatology Diagnostics

The point-spread function of an optical system imaged by a camera carries, in its geometrical details, key information on the optical components that are part of the system. In this work we explore the possibility of detecting anomalous structures buried under the skin surface by studying the deformations of the ideal Airy-disk point-spread function of a terahertz microscope, which are observed when the skin becomes one of the reflecting surfaces of the optical system. A custom terahertz microscope working in reflection mode at an angle of incidence of 45 degree has been built.

Protein oxidative damage in UV-related skin cancer and dysplastic lesions contributes to neoplastic promotion and progression

The ultraviolet (UV) component of solar radiation is the major driving force of skin carcinogenesis. Most of studies on UV carcinogenesis actually focus on DNA damage while their proteome-damaging ability and its contribution to skin carcinogenesis have remained largely underexplored.

Recent Warnings about Antihypertensive Drugs and Cancer Risk: Where Do They Come From?

The recent decrease in mortality related to cardiovascular diseases has largely been due to the more effective treatment of cardiovascular risk factors and secondary prevention therapies. More people than ever are now on long-term medications. Hypertension, which is one of the most common cardiovascular risk factors, requires life-long treatment. Recent evidence has focused attention on the risk of cancer that may be associated with the long-term use of antihypertensive therapy. This article summarises available evidence surrounding three recent events in this setting.

Surgical treatment with locoregional flaps for the eyelid. A review

Reconstruction of the eyelids after skin cancer excision can be challenging. Surgical treatment options are multiple; deep anatomy knowledge of lamellar components is mandatory to choose the most adequate surgical planning. Eyelids' role in vision and social relationship is critical; both function and aesthetics are tough to restore. Using a flap provides a satisfying texture and colour match with adjacent tissues and ensures short contraction during healing; furthermore, grafts are sometimes necessary to achieve pleasing results.

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