
Old Millfun 1933. From Slaughterhouse to Art Center

Shanghai was one of the first cities in China to fa ce the probIems reiated to the maintenance and to the guardianship of industriaI heritage. ParticuIarly interesting is the restoration of the Shanghai Municipal Council Slaughterhouse, with its specific and unusual architectural solution and evocative inside spaces. The Slaughterhouse, built in 1933, was arranged into a square with an inner circle, four perimeter buildings were linked to the centraI main buiIding through scuIpturai concrete ramps, bridges, and spiraI staircases.

Comparative analysis of an mcr-4 Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica monophasic variant of human and animal origin

Objectives In this study we compared the recently described mcr-4-positive Salmonella enterica monophasic variant, isolated in 2016 in two Italian patients affected by gastroenteritis, with the first mcr-4-positive Salmonella isolate identified in 2013 in a pig at slaughter in Italy. Methods WGS of the two Salmonella isolates of human origin was performed using a MiSeq instrument (Illumina).

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