slope stability

Comparison of Approaches for Data Analysis of Multi-Parametric Monitoring Systems: Insights from the Acuto Test-Site (Central Italy)

This paper deals with monitoring systems to manage the risk due to fast slope failures
that involve rock masses, in which important elements (such as infrastructures or cultural heritages,
among the others) are exposed. Three different approaches for data analysis were here compared
to evaluate their suitability for detecting mutual relations among destabilising factors, acting on
different time windows, and induced strain effects on rock masses: (i) an observation-based approach

Small-scale slope instability on the submarine flanks of insular volcanoes. The case-study of the Sciara del Fuoco slope (Stromboli)

Small-scale landslides affecting insular and coastal volcanoes are a relevant geohazard for the surrounding infrastructures and communities, because they can directly impact them or generate local but devastating tsunamis, as demonstrated by several historical accounts. Here, a review of such landslides and associated predisposing/triggering mechanisms is presented, with particular reference to the submarine volcanic flanks.

Analysis of rainfall-induced slope failures

The hydro-mechanical behaviour of a pyroclastic soil layer covering a steep slope has been numerically investigated by performing plane strain analyses using a finite element code. The mechanical behaviour of the volcanic soil has been simulated by means of an elastic-plastic constitutive model extended to unsaturated conditions. The influence of the geometry and soil properties on the slope response has been studied by modifying the slope angle, the permeability law and the water retention curve of the pyroclastic cover.

Landslide risk management through spatial analysis and stochastic prediction for territorial resilience evaluation

Natural materials, such as soils, are influenced by many factors acting during their formative and evolutionary process: atmospheric agents, erosion and transport phenomena, sedimentation conditions that give soil properties a non-reducible randomness by using sophisticated survey techniques and technologies. This character is reflected not only in spatial variability of properties which differs from point to point, but also in multivariate correlation as a function of reciprocal distance.

Influenza delle condizioni climatiche sulla stabilità delle tombe etrusche della necropoli di Monterozzi a Tarquinia

La Necropoli di Monterozzi a Tarquinia (VT), con le tombe ipogee dipinte del VII-II sec. a.C., rappresenta una eccezionale testimonianza della vita e dei costumi del popolo etrusco. Nel corso dell’anno 2017, in alcune tombe del confine Nord della necropoli si sono manifestate evidenti lesioni. In seguito alla richiesta della Soprintendenza competente, l’ISPRA (Dip. per il Servizio Geologico d’Italia) e l’Università di Bologna (DICAM) hanno avviato uno studio delle condizioni di stabilità delle tombe più a rischio.

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