
Smart cities: are they really sustainable? (Chapter 1)

The aim of this chapter is to investigate the processes that have led to the inclusion of urban requalification projects in global policies and to critically analyze, in this regard, some of their environmental performances. How much pollution are we willing to put up within the cities? Is it necessary to have zero pollution? Is there a compromise with regard to the obvious social and environmental incongruities present in many cities? What is the tolerable limit of viability?

On the link between material deprivation and city size: Ecuador as a case study

The association between city size and productivity has been widely investigated in the academic literature. On the contrary, less is known about the link between city size and material living conditions. Recently, a strong emphasis has been put on the process of urbanization without growth and on the burst of large cities. The creation of slums and large areas with underdeveloped housing characteristics has become a major concern for urban planners. This is especially the case for developing economies.

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