small-angle X-ray scattering

A comparative analysis of secreted protein disulfide isomerases from the tropical co-endemic parasites Schistosoma mansoni and Leishmania major

The human parasites Schistosoma mansoni and Leishmania major are co-endemic and a major threat to human health. Though displaying different tissue tropisms, they excrete/secrete similar subsets of intracellular proteins that, interacting with the host extracellular matrix (ECM), help the parasites invading the host. We selected one of the most abundant proteins found in the secretomes of both parasites, protein disulfide isomerase (PDI), and performed a comparative screening with surface plasmon resonance imaging (SPRi), looking for ECM binding partners.

Time-dependent pH scanning of the acid-induced unfolding of Human Serum Albumin

The most abundant plasma protein, Human Serum Albumin (HSA), is known to undergo conformational transitions in acidic environment [1]. To avoid buffer effects and correlate global and local structural changes, we developed a continuous acidification method and simultaneously monitored the protein changes by both small-angle scattering (SAXS) and fluorescence [2], using a dedicated instrumental platform [3].

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