Smart Grid

MCLab: Model Checking Lab

MCLab: Model Checking Lab

Our primary research activity focuses on AI and Model Checking based algorithms and tools for the automatic design and verification of mission or safety-critical systems with an emphasis on intelligent or autonomous systems.



MCLab: Model Checking Lab

MCLab: Model Checking Lab

Our primary research activity focuses on AI and Model Checking based algorithms and tools for the automatic design and verification of mission or safety-critical systems with an emphasis on intelligent or autonomous systems.



MCLab: Model Checking Lab

MCLab: Model Checking Lab

Our primary research activity focuses on AI and Model Checking based algorithms and tools for the automatic design and verification of mission or safety-critical systems with an emphasis on intelligent or autonomous systems.



MCLab: Model Checking Lab

MCLab: Model Checking Lab

Our primary research activity focuses on AI and Model Checking based algorithms and tools for the automatic design and verification of mission or safety-critical systems with an emphasis on intelligent or autonomous systems.



MCLab: Model Checking Lab

MCLab: Model Checking Lab

Our primary research activity focuses on AI and Model Checking based algorithms and tools for the automatic design and verification of mission or safety-critical systems with an emphasis on intelligent or autonomous systems.



Automation and remote control to improve LV grid management

The proposed research work addresses some novelties in the remote control of Low Voltage (LV) distribution networks, namely the development of new technologies and the consequent possible future advances in the sector. More specifically, both capabilities and limitations in current control systems are analyzed, and new processing and remote equipment are proposed for the automated management of distribution networks, with an aim to ensure greater quality and continuity of the electricity service.

Linking future energy systems with heritage requalification in smart cities. On-going research and experimentation in the city of Trento

Future Energy Systems in midsized Italian Smart Cities are highly dependent upon the pursuit of a smarter grid based on active end-user engagement, the use of distributed energy resources and real-time demand response. In Trento, due to its climatic conditions, the issue of smart energy systems is particularly relevant and its future smart electric grid is expected to produce energy efficiency improvements to the city’s historic municipal buildings, as well as to private residences and businesses.

Nanogrids: A smart way to integrate public transportation electric vehicles into smart grids

The need for efficient integration of an Electric Vehicles (EVs) public transportation system into Smart Grids (SGs), has sparked the idea to equip them with Renewable Energy Systems (RESs), in order to reduce their impact on the SG. As a consequence, an EV can be seen as a Nanogrid (NG) whose energy flows are optimized by an Energy Management System (EMS). In this work, an EMS for an electric boat is synthesized by a Fuzzy Inference System-Hierarchical Genetic Algorithm (FIS-HGA). The electric boat follows cyclic routes day by day.

Analysis on the potential of an energy aggregator for domestic users in the Italian electricity system

This study is focused on the definition of an energy aggregator model for domestic users, offering the Demand Response (DR) optimization and additional services. The research project is based on the Italian electricity system analysis pointing out the renewables high contribution, the poor domestic users’ electrification and the need to figure out those issues by a demand flexibility system implementation. Moreover, the characterization of Italian domestic users’ energy loads allowed to identify the suitable strategies to get higher flexibility degree.

Restoration of an active MV distribution grid with a battery ESS: A real case study

In order to improve power system operation, Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESSs) have been installed in high voltage/medium voltage stations by Distribution System Operators (DSOs) around the world. Support for restoration of MV distribution networks after a blackout or HV interruption is among the possible new functionalities of BESSs. With the aim to improve quality of service, the present paper investigates whether a BESS, installed in the HV/MV substation, can improve the restoration process indicators of a distribution grid.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma