Smart People

Smart Society. A sociological perspective on smart living

Increasingly, we hear of ‘smart’ cities, communities, governance and people as constituting the basis of initiatives by which we might address various social and environmental problems, particularly those connected with sustainability, usually by means of an ‘intelligent’ connection with the ‘network society’. This book addresses the issues raised by the emergence of ‘smart’ dimensions and initiatives in society, critically engaging with questions surrounding the feasibility of what smart initiatives propose and the extent to which they can really offer solutions to the challenges we face.

The era of the smart people. How techno capitalism is changing the lifestyles of the individuals of the smart society

A partire dall’introduzione di nuove tecnologie come Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), Genetics, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, e Nanotechnology (GRAIN) e dagli sviluppi delle scienze cognitive, si sta assistendo ad una ridefinizione del ruolo dell’individuo all’interno della società. Ciò sta causando al contempo una profonda trasformazione dei sistemi culturali, fisiologici e biologici su cui poggia la società stessa. I principali attori e i principali destinatari di questi cambiamenti sono gli Smart People. Ma cosa indica questo termine? Chi sono gli Smart People?

Smart People and prosumers. The individual challenge to the Fourth Industrial Revolution

In contemporary society, intelligence has become an essential qualifying element not only for the individual as such but also for the community to which he belongs, for te way in which he administers his personal or collective assets, because of the way he lives and of the technologies he uses. Being smart has become a cross-cutting need for multiple fields of human life. But what does being a smart person mean? Can he also be a prosumer? And Finally, when do individuals cease being consumers to become prosumers?

Education & Technology for a Sustainable Future. The case study of Solar Decathlon

Sapienza University of Rome participates in Solar Decathlon Middle East 2018 International Competition, aiming to design and realize the best sustainable and energy-efficient housing prototype on a real scale. The purpose of the project is to create a Smart Solar House that can guarantee maximum efficiency and effectiveness in the use of natural resources and provide an attractive, accessible, comfortable and healthy environment. The aim of the paper is to analyze the contest from Educational standpoint, highlighting the aspects of Smart Systems and Smart People.

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