social representations

The Polarized Social Representations of immigration through the photographic lens of INSTAGRAM

The current study is inserted into a research line of a wider project, which investigates the social representations about the contemporary migratory phenomenon through various social networks. Specifically, this study focused on individuals’ social representations about immigrants through Instagram and was inspired by the ‘social representations’ theoretical framework and in particular by its ‘modelling’ paradigmatic approach. In line with previous results, we expected to confirm the very polarized representation of immigrants.

Atteggiamenti sessisti e rappresentazioni di una carica politica declinata al maschile o al femminile fra studenti cinesi. Primi risultati di ricerca

We investigate gender representations applied to a Ministerial political office, the attitudes
towards women in a group of Chinese college students and whether such attitudes are reflected
in the representations of the Ministerial political office. These representations were detected, inter
alia, by the request of three free associations to the stimulus-words Man/Woman Minister. With
the scale of Glick and Fiske (1996), administered after the free associations, we verified the twofactor

Are e-bikes changing the social representation of cycling? An exploration of articles on cycling in Italian online publications

Despite policies aimed at increasing bicycle use, and the health benefits identified in the literature, cycling mobility is still quite limited in most cities. A cultural transformation is needed to change this situation. E-bikes might be capable of triggering this change, and turning the proposition of cycling into the preferred choice for everyday mobility. To explore this possibility, the present study extends a previous analysis conducted on the representation of cycling in Italian media, and further investigates its content as regards e-bikes.

Roma vista “dal cielo” e “dalla superficie”: rappresentazioni sociali di aereoportuali e lungoresidenti nella capitale. Simposio “Le rappresentazioni del sociale”.

Nell’ambito di un progetto di ricerca più ampio condotto in dieci capitali storiche europee, avviato da
de Rosa negli anni ’80, in questo contributo presentiamo alcuni risultati di due indagini empiriche
condotte nel 2017 su due specifiche popolazioni di residenti a Roma per identificare le
rappresentazioni sociali della Capitale vista da una duplice prospettiva: dal cielo e dalla superficie.
Popolazione della ricerca: Per la prospettiva “dalla superficie” sono stati intervistati 50 lungo-residenti

Rome Seen from the Ground and from the Sky, Also Compared to the Ideal City. The Social Representations from the Perspective of Long-term Residents and of Airport Workers.

This chapter is part of a broader research program initiated by de Rosa in the 1980s on “Place-identity and Social Representations of European Capitals in First Visitors of Six Different Nationalities” . It has been developed over time in various lines of investigation interrelated between them: “field studies” and “media studies” , taking inspiration from the peculiar multi-theoretical and multi-methododological perspective, characterizing the “modelling approach” as a paradigmatic option specific to the research field guided by the Social Representation theory.

Future world citizens: the outcome of the encounter of different cultures and their relocation in the world map following today’s migration phenomenon.

The migration crisis is one of the most defying issues facing the world today, and to study it adequately constitutes an opportunity for the promotion of the positive aspects of encounter of populations in the construction of tomorrow’s world citizens.
The application of the Social Representations Theory for the study of such group movements in their geo-cultural context provides an opportunity to understand future world citizens, investigating processes of social inclusion/exclusion in relation to contemporary migratory phenomena.

From the psychoanalyst’s couch to social networks

Given the important role that the psychoanalysis has played in the field of intervention on mental health for many years and the controversial debate that as therapeutical practice has been always originated and recently reactivated, it is of particular interest to discusses the actuality of the SRT fifty years later in the era of social networks. It does so by exploring the dynamics of the interchange between scientific and lay knowledge regarding psychoanalysis, psychiatry and mental health in light of a corpus of spontaneous conversations among Facebook, Twitter and Yahoo!

The impact of the impact of meta-data mining from the SoReCom “A.S. de Rosa” @-Library

The objective of this chapter is to address the following question: what is the value of the scientific networking, training and documentation activities in the new academic scenario dominated by the bibliometric assessment culture and by the impact of the technology to the science production and sharing (data-driven science, big data, open data, open access, etc.).

Mapping the dissemination of the theory of social representations via academic social networks

This chapter examines the role of Academic Social Networks in the dissemination of the Social Representations literature. In particular, it takes into account 9414 entries filed in the specialised SoReCom “A.S. de Rosa” @-library. Each entry was assessed concerning the presence of the publication in the three academic social networks (, ResearchGate and Mendeley), which amounted to 2956 total entries.

Evaluative dimensions of urban tourism in capital cities by first-time visitors

This chapter is dedicated to evaluative component of the social representations of historic European capital cities, comparing it before and after the first-time visit that took place in the period from 2011 to 2013. Based on the set of empirical data, it presents and discusses the integrative framework for evaluation of a city conceived as a resource in responsible urban tourism.

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