
Studenti italiani e di seconda generazione a Roma. Reti relazionali, aspettative, aspirazioni

Le ricerche sulle cosiddette “seconde generazioni” sono certamente numerose nella letteratura internazionale e in Italia. L’immigrazione di nuclei famigliari e la socializzazione educativa dei giovanissimi in tutto o in parte stranieri sono centrali per la società italiana, i cui segnali d’invecchiamento furono colti dai demografi oltre quaranta anni fa.

The Sharing Economy at the Crossroads. A Conflict Between Social Values and Market Mechanisms

In the last few years the phenomenon of the Sharing Economy rapidly gained momentum. The reasons for this success are multiple but the most important is the tendency to faster exchanges and economic relationships both on the real and the financial market. This awareness made it essential to start the study from the crisis of the hyper-capitalism and of the concept of ownership which is being replaced with that of a more fluid sharing.

Proceedings 5th International Conference on Sustainable Development

In the last few years the phenomenon of the Sharing Economy rapidly gained momentum. The reasons for this success are multiple but the most important is the tendency to faster exchanges and economic relationships both on the real and the financial market. This awareness made it essential to start the study form the crisis of the hyper-capitalism and of the concept of ownership which is being replaced with that of a more fluid sharing.

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