
The sound of ruins and the presumption of their silence

A visit to ruins often raised and still raises the emotion of silence and, therefore, the idea that ancient spaces implicate the possibility of reflection and abstraction from the noise of reality and contemporaneity. The present contribution specifically focuses on the silent descriptions of ancient ruins and the related emotions which travellers experience, pointing to the difference of descriptions of ancient places and cities – before they became ruins – made by the people living therein.

A soft step and a little drop. On the acoustic experience of the Early Bronze Age temple of the rock at Ebla

Recent studies in the field of sensory archaeology – that encompasses the meaning and impact of senses in the past and in the comprehension of past phenomena – developed new theories and methods in the archaeological research starting from not only visible and tangible data but also envisioning no longer existing (visible, tangible and audible) information from the past.

Modernism without avant-garde between Nielsen and Sibelius. The lack of 'war soundscape' in the music of northern Europe

La produzione sinfonica di Carl Nielsen e di Jean Sibelius viene esaminata nel quadro della avanguardie europee e del rinnovamento del suono orchestrale che le caratterizza. Al termine emerge una estraneità di questi autori non tanto sul piano del modernismo tecnico-compositivo, quanto sul rifiuto di accogliere il nuovo 'suono' potenziato e violento che la guerra ha provocato in aitori contemporanei come Casella o Hindemith.

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