space and planetary science

Long-term capture orbits for low-energy space missions

This research aims at ascertaining the existence and characteristics of natural long-term capture orbits around a celestial body of potential interest. The problem is investigated in the dynamical framework of the three-dimensional circular restricted three-body problem. Previous numerical work on two-dimensional trajectories provided numerical evidence of Conley’s theorem, proving that long-term capture orbits are topologically located near trajectories asymptotic to periodic libration point orbits. This work intends to extend the previous investigations to three-dimensional paths.

LUNISAT: A microsatellite mission to the moon

In recent years, microsatellites have been designed, constructed, and operated by a considerable number of subjects, either Universities, space agencies, or private ventures. This research presents the overall mission analysis for Lunisat, a nextgeneration microsatellite that is intended to orbit the Moon. The Lunisat mission is assumed to be composed of two main phases: (a) transfer trajectory from a low Earth orbit (LEO) to a low Moon orbit (LMO), and (b) release of nanosatellites around the Moon.

Accurate modeling and heuristic trajectory optimization of multistage launch vehicles

Multistage launch vehicles are commonly employed to place spacecraft in their operational orbits. Several characteristics, i.e. mass distribution and time variation, propulsion, and aerodynamics, affect the overall performance of the ascent vehicle of interest. Thus, it is apparent that accurate modeling is a central issue and an essential prerequisite for trajectory optimization. This research uses the Scout, a launch vehicle of reduced size used in the past, as the reference multistage rocket.

The short wavelength instrument for the polarization explorer balloon-borne experiment: Polarization modulation issues

In this paper we investigate the impact of using a polarization modulator in The Short Wavelength Instrument for the Polarization Explorer (SWIPE) of the large scale polarization explorer (LSPE). The experiment is optimized to measure the linear polarization of the cosmic microwave background at large angular scales during a circumpolar long-duration stratospheric balloon mission, and uses multimode bolometers cooled to.3 K. The 330 detectors cover three bands at 140, 220, and 240 GHz.

WiFi-based PCL for monitoring private airfields

In this article, the potential exploitation of WiFi-based PCL systems is investigated with reference to a real-world civil application in which these sensors are expected to nicely complement the existing technologies adopted for monitoring purposes, especially when operating against noncooperative targets. In particular, we consider the monitoring application of small private airstrips or airfields.

Performance evaluation of TTEthernet-based architectures for the VEGA launcher

The objective of the paper is to propose and evaluate the performance of a TTEthernet network architecture applied in small launchers in order to interconnect the terminals (on-board computer, telemetry apparatus, Inertial Reference System,...) performing the Guide, Navigation and Control (GNC) operations and producing/receiving telemetry traffic. The work described in the paper was been funded by Italian Space Agency (ASI) within the research agreement titled 'Advanced Avionic Architecture (AAA)'.

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