spatial neglect

Neuropsicologia dell'attenzione e neuroscienze cognitive

Neuropsicologia dell'attenzione e neuroscienze cognitive

Il laboratorio coordinato dal prof. Fabrizio Doricchi, si occupa dello studio dei correlati funzionali e anatomici dell’attenzione visiva e spaziale in soggetti normali ed in pazienti con lesioni cerebrali acquisite. Il laboratorio si avvale di metodi psicofisici, psicofisiologici (registrazione dei movimenti oculari e della dilatazione pupillare), EEG (studio dei potenziali evocati e della connettività EEG), anatomici (anatomia strutturale della sostanza grigia e bianca tramite acquisizioni RMN e DTI), anatomo-funzionali (fMRI).

Number space is made by response space: Evidence from left spatial neglect

Whether the semantic representation of numbers is endowed with an intrinsic spatial component, so that smaller numbers are inherently represented to the left of larger ones on a Mental Number Line (MNL), is a central matter of debate in numerical cognition. To gain an insight into this issue, we investigated the performance of right brain damaged patients with left spatial neglect (N+) in a bimanual Magnitude Comparison SNARC task and in a uni-manual Magnitude Comparison Go/No-Go task (i.e. "is the number smaller or larger than 5?").

EEG correlates of preparatory orienting, contextual updating and inhibition of sensory processing in left spatial neglect

Studies with event-related potentials have highlighted deficits in the early phases of orienting to left visual targets in right-brain-damaged patients with left spatial neglect (N). However, brain responses associated with preparatory orienting of attention, with target novelty and with the detection of a match/mismatch between expected and actual targets (contextual updating), have not been explored in N.

The hemispheric distribution of α-band EEG activity during orienting of attention in patients with reduced awareness of the left side of space (spatial neglect)

EEG studies in healthy humans have highlighted that alpha-band activity is relatively reduced over the occipital-parietal areas of the hemisphere contralateral to the direction of spatial attention. Here, we investigated the hemispheric distribution of alpha during orienting of attention in male and female right-brain-damaged patients with left spatial neglect.

Concomitant recovery from left spatial neglect and inflammatory dysfunction of white-matter pathways in a case of acute disseminated encephalo-myelitis (ADEM)

Spatial neglect is an invalidating neuropsychological syndrome characterized by the inability of paying attention to the side of space contralateral to a unilateral brain damage. Recent studies have suggested that lesion of white-matter pathways plays an important role in producing spatial neglect by causing a widespread functional breakdown of the network of cortical and subcortical structures that regulates orienting of spatial attention.

A new standardization of the Bells Test. An Italian multi-center normative study

Objective: The Bells Test is a cancelation task that is widely used for the diagnosis of unilateral spatial neglect (USN). With the aim of fostering more reliable use of this instrument, we set out to develop new norms adjusted for the possible influence of age, gender and education. We worked on the original version of the test. Methods: Normative data were collected from 401 healthy participants aged between 20 and 80 years. Individual factors that could affect performance (i.e., gender, age, and years of education) were considered.

Multiple left-to-right spatial representations of number magnitudes? Evidence from left spatial neglect

The SNARC effect reflects the observation that when healthy observers with left-to-right reading habits are asked to compare the magnitude or to judge the parity of numbers, they provide faster reaction times (RT) to small numbers with left-sided responses and faster RTs to large numbers with right-sided responses. In magnitude comparison (MC), right brain damaged patients with left-sided neglect typically show a pathologically enlarged SNARC for large numbers and selective slowing to numbers that are immediately lower than the numerical reference (e.g. 4 for reference 5).

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma