spatial resolution

Performance Evaluation of a THz Pulsed Imaging System: Point Spread Function, Broadband THz Beam Visualization and Image Reconstruction

Terahertz (THz) technology is a promising research field for various applications in basic science and technology. In particular, THz imaging is a new field in imaging science, where theories, mathematical models and techniques for describing and assessing THz images have not completely matured yet. In this work, we investigate the performances of a broadband pulsed THz imaging system (0.2–2.5 THz). We characterize our broadband THz beam, emitted from a photoconductive antenna (PCA), and estimate its point spread function (PSF) and the corresponding spatial resolution.

Limitations and trade-offs in the use of species distribution maps for protected area planning

Range maps represent the geographic distribution of species, and they are commonly used to determine species coverage within protected areas and to find additional places needing protection. However, range maps are characterized by commission errors, where species are thought to be present in locations where they are not. When available, habitat suitability models can reduce commission errors in range maps, but these models are not always available.

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