
Due Anishinaabe nella Grande Guerra: storia, arte e occasioni mancate in Blue Ravens di Gerald Vizenor

Gerald Vizenor’s Blue Ravens, showcased in the book’s subtitle as a “historical novel”, tells the story of Basile and Aloysius Beaulieu, two Anishinaabe brothers from the White Earth reservation who are drafted in the American Expeditionary Force to serve in the Great War.

Attitude of Italian Gay Men and Italian Lesbian Women Towards Gay and Lesbian Gender-Typed Scenarios

This study examined the differences between gay men and lesbian women in their negative attitudes towards gay men and lesbians who either confirm or disconfirm stereo- typical gender roles. One hundred thirty-eight gay and lesbian participants read four gender-typed scenarios: in two, a gay student and a lesbian student were portrayed as more stereotyp- ically masculine, and in the other two, two gay and lesbian students were described as more stereotypically feminine. Participants rated the targets on a scale assessing negative emo- tions.

The epistemic bases of prejudice: The role of need for cognitive closure

Social psychologists have long studied the factors that underlie prejudice, including rigid ways of viewing the world and a fear of outside influence. More recent research has focused on the need for cognitive closure, or the desire for epistemic certainty, and how this can lead to prejudice. Individuals who desire secure knowledge can turn to stereotypes that provide it; individuals under a need for cognitive closure can be more likely to accept these stereotypes and the resulting prejudicial attitudes.

Specchi deformanti e illusioni ottiche. Immagini pubblicitarie di genere nella lettura dei professionisti del settore

Deforming Mirrors and Optical Illusions. Gendered Advertisements in the Practitioners’ Reading. The relationship between gender and advertising is a classic object of socio- communicative research (Goffman 1977), investigated more in content than in public or production. Many articles have focused on sexual stereotyping (Barthel 1988; Belkaoui, Belkaoui 1976; Furnham, Bitar 1993; Furnham, Schofield 1986; Furnham, Voli 1989; García-Muñoz et. al. 1994; Livingstone, Green 1986; Gilly 1988; McArthur, Resko 1975; Mazzella et. al.

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