
Corporéité et matière : Hans Jonas et la pensée antique (entre atomisme et stoïcisme)

Thanks to a careful analysis about some relevant passages of two courses, only recently published and held by Hans Jonas at the New School for Social Research/New York (respectively: Major Systems of Philosophy, 1963; Probems of Freedom, 1970), this paper examines (for the first time) his attitude towards two important materialistic philosophies of the ancient thought: early Atomism and Stoicism.

Ritorno all'Ellade: Hans Jonas e alcuni spunti di riflessione sulla tradizione filosofica antica

It seems undeniable, that in reconstructing the conceptual universe of Hans Jonas's oeuvre a privileged place can, or indeed must, be reserved for his relationship with the classical heritage. Certainly, it is far from easy to provide a clear and detailed outline of this relationship with the ancient philosophical past. Jonas is not the kind of author who peppers his writing with quotes, references, and footnotes. Often his engagement with such a past is a silent one, and only a painstaking approach can reveal the presence of this or that ancient author.

Nurses' prayers, philosophical otium, and fat pigs. Seneca ep. 60 versus Horace ep 1.4

Horace in ep. 1.4 opposes a sad, somehow Stoic Tibullus to himself as a happy, fat Epicurean. Seneca in ep. 60 blames a number of tenets of Epicureanism in its trivial acception (e.g. the love for easy life and good food), quoting a phrase from Sallust, and then in ep. 61 proposes Stoic way of life as the right life.

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