surface electromyography

Laboratorio di biomeccanica ed analisi del movimento

Laboratorio di biomeccanica ed analisi del movimento

Il Laboratorio di biomeccanica ed analisi del movimento si occupa di studiare il movimeno umano normale e patologico attraverso lo studio delel componenti cinematiche, cinetiche ed elettromiografiche di superficie.

I segnali derivanti dal movimento vengono catturati in maniera non invasiva e possono essere elaborati per ricavare dati sulle modalità di esecuzione del movimento, sulle caratteristiche biomeccaniche dello stesso, nonché sulle modificazioni in corso di patologia.

Global Muscle Coactivation of the Sound Limb in Gait of People with Transfemoral and Transtibial Amputation

The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of the level of amputation and various prosthetic devices on the muscle activation of the sound limb in people with unilateral transfemoral and transtibial amputation. We calculated the global coactivation of 12 muscles using the time-varying multimuscle coactivation function method in 37 subjects with unilateral transfemoral amputation (10, 16, and 11 with mechanical, electronic, and bionic prostheses, respectively), 11 subjects with transtibial amputation, and 22 healthy subjects representing the control group.

PROLIFIC: A Fast and Robust Profile-Likelihood-Based Muscle Onset Detection in Electromyogram Using Discrete Fibonacci Search

A stochastic scheme, namely, PLM-Lap, has recently been propounded, which relies on the profile likelihood (PL) constructed with a Laplace distribution for estimating muscle activation onsets (MAOs) in surface electromyographic (sEMG) data. The MAO detection accuracy and robustness of the PLM-Lap have been empirically shown to be better than those of several state-of-the-art approaches.

Biomechanical characterization of the junzuki karate punch: indexes of performance

The aims of this study were: (i) to determine kinematic, kinetic, and electromyographic characteristics of Junzuki karate punch in professional karate athletes; (ii) to identify biomechanical parameters that correlate with punch force and lead to a higher punching performance; (iii) to verify the presence of muscle co-activation in the upper limb, trunk, and lower limb muscles. Data were collected from nine experienced karatekas from the Accademia Italiana Karate e Arti Marziali during the execution of the specific punch.

A novel fuzzy approach for automatic Brunnstrom stage classification using surface electromyography

Clinical assessment plays a major role in post-stroke rehabilitation programs for evaluating impairment level and tracking recovery progress. Conventionally, this process is manually performed by clinicians using chart-based ordinal scales which can be both subjective and inefficient. In this paper, a novel approach based on fuzzy logic is proposed which automatically evaluates stroke patients’ impairment level using single-channel surface electromyography (sEMG) signals and generates objective classification results based on the widely used Brunnstrom stages of recovery.

Embedded wearable integrating real-time processing of electromyography signals

We realized a non-invasive wearable device able to record muscle activity using patch electrodes positioned on the skin over the muscle. It is an integrated system-on-board developed for the detection of several physical and physiologic human parameters which includes specific circuits for detecting the surface electromyography signal and algorithms for the real-time data processing optimized to low computational load. In real time, the proposed system dissipates only 26 mW and guarantees 20 h battery autonomy.

Stand-alone wearable system for ubiquitous real-time monitoring of muscle activation potentials

Wearable technology is attracting most attention in healthcare for the acquisition of physiological signals. We propose a stand-alone wearable surface ElectroMyoGraphy (sEMG) system for monitoring the muscle activity in real time. With respect to other wearable sEMG devices, the proposed system includes circuits for detecting the muscle activation potentials and it embeds the complete real-time data processing, without using any external device. The system is optimized with respect to power consumption, with a measured battery life that allows for monitoring the activity during the day.

Toward A Quantitative Evaluation of the Fall Risk Using the Fusion of Inertial Signals and Electromyography with Wearable Sensors

Freezing of Gait (FOG) is an unpredictable gait disorder typical of Parkinson's Disease (PD). The main goals of this work are detecting FOG episodes, classifying FOG subtypes and analyzing the leg muscles activity toward a deeper insight into the disorder pathophysiology and in the associated risk of fall. Fusion of inertial and electromyographic signals in our wearable system allows distinguishing correctly 98.4% of FOG episodes and monitoring in free-living conditions the activity type and intensity of leg antagonist muscles involved in FOG.

Wearable sensors system for an improved analysis of freezing of gait in Parkinson's disease using electromyography and inertial signals

We propose a wearable sensor system for automatic, continuous and ubiquitous analysis of Freezing of Gait (FOG), in patients affected by Parkinson's disease. FOG is an unpredictable gait disorder with different clinical manifestations, as the trembling and the shuffling-like phenotypes, whose underlying pathophysiology is not fully understood yet. Typical trembling-like subtype features are lack of postural adaptation and abrupt trunk inclination, which in general can increase the fall probability.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma