Surface roughness

Pore morphology determines spontaneous liquid extrusion from nanopores

In this contribution we explore by means of experiments, theory, and molecular dynamics the effect of pore morphology on the spontaneous extrusion of nonwetting liquids from nanopores. Understanding and controlling this phenomenon is central for manipulating nanoconfined liquids, e.g., in nanofluidic applications, drug delivery, and oil extraction.

Passive intermodulation due to conductor surface roughness

The physical mechanism of the experimentally observed dependence of passive intermodulation (PIM) in printed circuits on conductor surface roughness is studied. It is shown that electrothermal (ET) nonlinearity, arising due to heating of imperfect conductors by high-power carriers in a multicarrier system, is correlated with conductor surface roughness and has a unique signature. Carriers modulate the conductor resistivity, skin depth, and surface impedance which generate PIM products.

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