
Sapienza team Route to Transformation of Educational lnstitutions through Whole lnstitution Approach to Sustainability [SUStainability in Educational lnstitutions]

Sapienza team Route to Transformation of Educational lnstitutions through Whole lnstitution Approach to Sustainability [SUStainability in Educational lnstitutions]

SUSEDI mira a trasformare le istituzioni educative (EI) utilizzando l’Approccio a Istituto Intero (AII) alla sostenibilità, in modo che queste agiscano nei tre ruoli:

- sviluppare la consapevolezza alla sostenibilità e aduna cultura della sostenibilità

- formazione e funzione pedagogica

- costruire istituzioni formative per la sostenibilità

Sea Level Rise and Coastal Impacts: Innovation and Improvement of the Local Urban Plan for a Climate-Proof Adaptation Strategy

In recent years, the territorial impacts connected to sea level rise have prompted a reflection on the responsibilities of policy makers in transposing these issues into urban agendas. The need also emerged to both broaden and update the skills of urban planners and to improve territorial governance tools, with the aim of developing feasible regeneration and resilience strategies to face climate change.

Technology, value co-creation and innovation in service ecosystems: Toward sustainable co-innovation

The work identifies the main enabling dimensions and the strategic drivers to foster value co-creation and sustainable innovation in service ecosystems. The aim is to explore how resource and knowledge integration, through technology-mediated interactions, can lead to the emergence of novelties (new products, services, processes, social, and environmental practices).

Comparative life cycle assessment of different gas turbine axial compressor water washing systems

Nowadays the climate change is widely recognized as a global threat by both public opinion and industries. Actions to mitigate its causes are gaining momentum within all industries. In the energy field, there is the necessity to reduce emissions and to improve technologies to preserve the environment. LCA analyses of products are fundamental in this context. In the present work, a life cycle assessment has been carried out to calculate the carbon footprint of different water washing processes, as well as their effectiveness in recovering Gas Turbine efficiency losses.

Why manufacturers adopt additive manufacturing technologies: The role of sustainability

Emerging manufacturing technologies can affect the performance of manufacturing systems considerably. Hence, a proportionate and purposive choice of such technologies would significantly impact the success of a firm. Additive Manufacturing, a leading and impactful technology, is being implemented in many industrial sectors and for a variety of reasons. It presents huge potential benefits in terms of sustainability perspectives. This paper aims to identify and prioritize the determinants of its adoption as well as to clarify the role of sustainability benefits in the decision to adopt.

Forensic Implications in the Continuous Discontinuity of IoT Innovations

IoT innovations produce interesting opportunities, impact ethical and social aspects towards human society and influence operational and global aspects towards technical systems. These innovations appear a relevant case that opens new frontiers for electro forensic engineering and claims a “new regulatory approach” to promote analysis for testing in progress the evolution of the same innovations.

Ecology and social relations: the challenge in a global perspective

In recent years, the climate has come to play an important role in the international agenda. The current debate highlights that sustainability is not just about the ecological dimension, but it is closely linked to lifestyles and the allocation of social resources. Starting from the concept of social ecology, the paper adopts a holistic approach to interpret and act in the contemporary situation.

Updating the mediterranean diet pyramid towards sustainability: Focus on environmental concerns

Background: Nowadays the food production, supply and consumption chain represent a major cause of ecological pressure on the natural environment, and diet links worldwide human health with environmental sustainability. Food policy, dietary guidelines and food security strategies need to evolve from the limited historical approach, mainly focused on nutrients and health, to a new one considering the environmental, socio-economic and cultural impact—and thus the sustainability—of diets.

Re-reading sustainability through the triple helix model in the frame of a systems perspective

The concept of sustainability has acquired an ever more central role in governing
processes, both of institutions and business organizations. Adopting a sustainability
perspective, in fact, implies evaluating the different alternatives that arise
from the representation of the specific constraints and rules that have to be
followed in the different contexts that are taken into account: the economic,
social and environmental contexts.
Although since the beginning of the development of the theory of sustainability,

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