Systematic review

Progressive bladder remodeling due to bladder outlet obstruction: A systematic review of morphological and molecular evidences in humans

Background: Bladder outlet obstruction is a common urological condition. We aimed to summarize available evidences about bladder outlet obstruction-induced molecular and morphological alterations occurring in human bladder. Methods: We performed a literature search up to December 2017 including clinical and preclinical basic research studies on humans.

Project Value: A literature review

In the last years, the idea that project value is made by sum of tangible and intangible
elements (PMBok Guide, 2017) became commonly accepted; the need for an holistic
approach supplementing value creation with value capture have been also recently
highlighted (Laursen & Svejvig, 2016); nevertheless there is still not a clear and
exhaustive definition in literature that clarifies which are the elements whose sum would
constitute project value and what factors drive them.

Impact of Green Tea (Camellia Sinensis) on periodontitis and caries. Systematic review and meta-analysis

Background: The oral health-promoting effects of green tea are attributed to its polyphenol components. Aim of this work was to systematically review the literature in search for clinical trials assessing green tea for managing periodontitis and caries.
Methods: Randomized clinical trials comparing the efficacy of green tea versus control groups in oral hygiene and gingival health; periodontitis; caries; periodontal pathogens number; Streptococcus mutans, Lactobacillus spp. Meta-analysis and meta-regression analysis were performed.

Systematic reviews and meta-analyses in cardiac surgery: rules of the road - 1

The number of cardiac surgical meta-analyses and systematic reviews published in the last decades has constantly increased, paralleling the exponential growth observed in virtually all other medical fields. However, meta-analyses are open to methodological flaws if best practices are not strictly followed. Assessment of the appropriateness of the research question is a crucial first step. Once a protocol has been developed, this should be registered before the work is initiated.

Systematic reviews and meta-analyses in cardiac surgery: rules of the road - 2

In the era of evidence-based medicine, systematic reviews and meta-analyses are considered at the top of evidence hierarchy. Despite the almost exponential increase in the number of published meta-analyses over the course of the last decades, only a small minority of them is of high quality, with major flaws involving every aspect of the meta-analytic process. The strength of a meta-analysis is closely linked to the quality of the included studies.

Comparative analysis of diagnostic performance, feasibility and cost of different test-methods for thyroid nodules with indeterminate cytology

Since it is impossible to recognize malignancy at fine needle aspiration (FNA) cytology in indeterminate thyroid nodules, surgery is recommended for all of them. However, cancer rate at final histology is

Reply to Zhang et al.: Commentary interventions for sleep problems during pregnancy

The first point highlighted by Tang et al. is about our search strategy. Particularly, the authors demonstrate concerns on searching the literature only through PubMed. We totally agree with this concern, but we have to point out that this is not the case of our systematic review. We performed our systematic research in “Pubmed”, “PsycINFO” and “MEDLINE” databases. Cochrane Collaboration Guidelines for searching literature [1] were followed. Consistently, several search strategies were used in addition to the standard literature databases.

Interventions for sleep problems during pregnancy: A systematic review.

Sleep problems during pregnancy are prevalent and could be linked to negative outcomes during pregnancy or post-partum. However, these complaints are often underdiagnosed and undertreated. This review aimed to systematically assess the effectiveness of different interventions to ameliorate poor sleep quality and insomnia during pregnancy.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma