teachers’ beliefs

'The debate almost came to a fight…’ results of a cross-national explorative study concerning history teachers´ shared beliefs about teaching historical sensitive issues

This study analysed questionnaire responses from 309 history teachers who come from nine European countries and Israel. The open-ended questions explored their experiences of teaching Sensitive historical Issues (SI) from joint social psychological and history didactics perspectives. First data was analysed hermeneutically, it was then interpreted using a heuristic framework to analyse these teachers’ beliefs about SI. Three themes of shared patterns were identified in teachers’ answers: the choice of teaching SIs, pupils’ emotional reactions, and teaching strategies.

Exploring ELT practices, teachers' professional profile and beliefs. Analysing data from the PRIN survey and envisaging pedagogical projections

This paper presents selected findings emerging from the survey related to the PRIN Prot. 2015REZ4EZ questionnaire, created and administered by the Unit 3 of the same PRIN project. This tool of investigation was specially devised in order to research and acquire the main values and beliefs ascribable to a volunteer group of teachers, operating in the Italian territory and catering for different

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