
Istituzioni, nuove tecnologie, sviluppo economico

The essay deals with the relationship between institutions, new techologies and economic developement. The first part provides a broad overview of the contributions of economic theory, economic history and political science to the controversial questions on how to promote economic developement and in particular on the role played by innovation. Intitutions (i.e. democracy, rule of law, independent judiciary, professional bureaucracy, etc.) are considered by recent literature as a main factor.

Technological transformation, culinary tourism and stakeholder engagement: emerging trends from a systematic literature review

Purpose – This paper aims to pinpoint the technological transformation impact on food as the cultural
phenomenon for destination brand identity and management as the novel approach for the stakeholder causal
scope (SCS) analysis in culinary tourism. Thus, this paper attempts to answer the following research question:
What is the role of technological transformation in addressing stakeholder engagement of culinary tourism?
Design/methodology/approach – The research is based on the systematic two-decade literature review

Shaped stone balls were used for bone marrow extraction at Lower Paleolithic Qesem Cave, Israel

The presence of shaped stone balls at early Paleolithic sites has attracted scholarly attention since the pioneering work of the Leakeys in Olduvai, Tanzania. Despite the persistent presence of these items in the archaeological record over a period of two million years, their function is still debated. We present new results from Middle Pleistocene Qesem Cave on the use of these implements as percussion tools.

La funzione degli “small tools” nell’ambito delle industrie litiche scheggiate acheuleane della penisola italiana. Il caso studio del sito laziale di Fontana Ranuccio (FR)

Recent technological studies of lithic assemblages from Levantine and European Late Lower Palaeolithic showed that the small size flakes (small tools) found in many sites of this period are relevant technological elements. Their role in the lithic assemblages of the Late Lower Paleolithic allows to reconsider the common idea that the bifaces are the unique techno-cultural markers of the Acheulean chronological and cultural phase.

The points reference collection

Middle Palaeolithic studies are punctuated with academic debates and reflections on how to understand the behavioural similarities between Homo neanderthalensis and Homo sapiens. Many Anglo-Saxon researchers have argued that organized hunting could only be carried out by Anatomically Modern Humans (Rendu, 2007). Indeed, despite a growing number of archaeological data speaking in favour of controlled hunting, some authors are still believing that Neanderthals were mostly scavengers (Binford, 1985; Dibble, Mellars, 1992; Stringer, Gamble, 1994).

Khirbet al-Batrawy ceramics. A systematic mineralogical and petrographic study for investigating the material culture

The present paper reports the results of a mineralogical and petrographic study focused on the archaeometric characterization of Early Bronze Age pottery from the archaeological site of Khirbet al-Batrawy (Jordan), dated between 3000 and 2000 BC. Optical microscopy (OM) and X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) analyses are used to define the nature of the raw material, the technology of the ceramic production and their developing during the centuries.

From newsmaking to newsfaking. A transmedia opportunity for disinformation

Fake news appear to be one of the most relevant and widespread phenomena characterising media landscape in the last few years, to the point that several fundamental international political and social events, such as the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States of America and the Brexit referendum, are considered to have been strongly influenced by the dissemination of fake contents.

Technology as operant resources for the cultural heritage reconstruction experience

Technology is a clear potential for the creation of an interactive and enjoyable experience and, in the museum environment, it works as a trigger for learning and for the authenticity of experience. This paper aims to verify the role of a cultural heritage experience and of resource liquefaction enabler. We conducted an empirical study.

(Smart) City and the (Open) Data. A critical approach to a platform-driven urban citizenship

This paper represents a first attempt to reconstruct a theoretical map of the relation between technology (digital media) and citizenship. We start from the reconstruction of the role of citizens in the smart city paradigm and then face the challenge that the so-called Big Techs move to the ideal of an engaged “smart community” by promoting an individual relationship between users/citizens and digital platforms.

Technological support to intensive insulin therapy by a novel smartphone application in young adults with type 1 diabetes: one center's experience

In our Diabetes Centre at Sapienza University of Rome, Italy, we have been exploring the potential benefits of using technology in diabetes care, with a particular focus on T1DM patients receiving flexible intensive insulin therapy (MDI), who do not take advantage of automatic bolus calcu- lators as do those treated with insulin pumps. Therefore, from its launch in 2016, we have been suggesting the mobile app RapidCalc1 to T1DM subjects using MDI, and with knowledge and experience in technology.

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