
Impact of textile on electromagnetic power and heating in near-surface tissues at 26 GHz and 60 GHz

With the development of 5th generation (5G) networks the operating frequencies have been progressively expanding towards millimeter waves (MMW). In some exposure scenarii, presence of textiles impacts the interaction of the electromagnetic field radiated by wireless devices with human tissues. We investigate the impact of a textile layer in contact or in proximity of skin on the power transmission coefficient, absorbed power density and temperature rise using a near-surface tissue model at 26GHz and 60 GHz. Cotton and wool are considered as representative textiles.

The contribution of experimental archaeology in addressing the analysis of residues on spindle-whorls

This contribution focuses on residues developing on spindle-whorls during spinning. Such a kind of tools is largelydiffused in archaeological contexts where spindle-whorls were used in textile activities or deposited in burials asgrave goods. Scholars recently approached the analysis of these objects through experimental archaeology to betterunderstand their wide variation in size and shape especially in relationship with the adoption of specific spinningtechniques or the quality of the fibres processed for producing different kinds of yarn.

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