textual analysis

Atteggiamenti sessisti e rappresentazioni di una carica politica declinata al maschile o al femminile fra studenti cinesi. Primi risultati di ricerca

We investigate gender representations applied to a Ministerial political office, the attitudes
towards women in a group of Chinese college students and whether such attitudes are reflected
in the representations of the Ministerial political office. These representations were detected, inter
alia, by the request of three free associations to the stimulus-words Man/Woman Minister. With
the scale of Glick and Fiske (1996), administered after the free associations, we verified the twofactor

Rappresentazioni di genere in politica. Il Ministro e la Ministra. Tra valutazione di efficacia, stereotipi di genere, prescrizioni di ruolo e sessismo linguistico. Primi risultati di un'indagine empirica.

The research has investigated the role of sexist language, gender stereotypes, and roles
prescriptions in the political sphere. It was framed in the tradition of social representations. We
have studied the impact of specific linguistic categories – relative both to masculine or feminine
declination for a Minister's political office, and to the use of references to stereotypical or counterstereotypical
behaviours - on 1) the evaluation of political effectiveness, 2) the associations to the

The dimensions of Gender in the International Review of Sociology. A lexicometric approach to the analysis of the publications in the last twenty years

The Social Sciences and, specifically, the sociological research has
progressively assumed the gender factor as one of the strategic keys to
understand contemporary phenomena. In fact, as a variable for sociostatistical
analysis or as a characterizing trait of individual identity, it is a
decisive factor in the interpretation of the deep social transformations and it
inspires the self-reflection of the sociologists about the analytical tools of their
discipline. The contribution proposes, through a lexicometric approach, an

The dimensions of gender in the last twenty years. An analysis of the International Review of Sociology

The Social Sciences and, specifically, the sociological research, have progressivelyassumedthegenderfactorasoneofthestrategickeys to understand contemporary phenomena. In fact, as a variable for socio-statistical analysis or as a characterizing trait of individual identity, it is a decisive factor in the interpretation of the deep social transformations, and it inspires the self-reflection of the sociologists about the analytical tools of their discipline.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma