theory of mind

Case Report: Theory of Mind and Figurative Language in a Child With Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum

In this case report, we studied Theory of Mind (ToM) and figurative language
comprehension in a 7.2-year-old child, conventionally named RJ, with isolated and
complete agenesis of the corpus callosum (ACC), a rare malformation due to the
absence of the corpus callosum, the major tract connecting the two brain hemispheres.
To study ToM, which is the capability to infer the other’s mental states, we used
the classical false belief tasks, and to study figurative language, i.e., those linguistic

Alexithymia, Metacognition, and Theory of Mind in Children and Preadolescents With Migraine Without Aura (MWoA): A Case-Control Study

Background: Some studies have demonstrated the high impact of headache and migraine in several areas of children and adolescents’ life. In recent years, there has been an increase in scientific interest in the relationship between migraine and emotional regulation, investigating the possible consequences of emotional dysregulation on physical and mental health.

Metacognition and theory of mind in children with migraine and children with internalizing disorders

Mentalization, theory of mind (ToM) and metacognition are abilities that explain or predict behavior based on beliefs, intentions, or feelings attributed to the self or others, mental states and thoughts. Some studies have showed an impairment of these abilities in children and adolescents with several disorders, such as anxiety,

Drunkorexia: An Examination of the Role of Theory of Mind and Emotional Awareness among Adolescents

This study aimed to investigate Theory of Mind (ToM) and emotional awareness in drunkorexia, an emerging behavior characterized by calorie restriction when drinking alcohol is planned. A sample of 246 adolescents (148 females, 98 males; range 17–20) completed self-reported measures assessing drunkorexia, ToM and lack of emotional awareness. Drunkorexia was negatively correlated with ToM abilities, with reading neutral emotions, and positively with lack of emotional awareness. ToM and lack of emotional awareness were also found to predict drunkorexia.

Theory of mind and sociometric peer status: the mediating role of social conduct

The present study aimed at investigating the mediating role of social conduct in the relation between theory of mind (ToM) and sociometric peer status. One hundred and seventy-seven 8- to 11-year-olds filled out a battery encompassing advanced ToM skill, verbal ability and sociometric peer status, expressed in terms of social preference and social impact. A questionnaire on students' externalizing, internalizing and prosocial behaviors was administered to teachers. Only externalizing behavior mediated the link between ToM and social impact, controlling for age, gender, and verbal ability.

Social behaviour, socio-cognitive skills and attachment style in school-aged children: what is the relation with academic outcomes?

The present research explored the relation between socio-cognitive skills, as Theory of Mind and affective empathy, social behaviour, attachment style and scholastic success in children, aged from 8 to 11 years (N = 159; 90 females, 69 males; Mage = 9,60; DS = .78). Several assessment tools were administered to children on mentalizing abilities (Stories), empathy (FASTE), language (PPVT-R), attachment style (SAT) and learning (M.T. and AC-MT 6-11), while the teachers were asked to complete a questionnaire about every child’s social behaviour (SDQ).

The cerebellar predictions for social interactions. Theory of mind abilities in patients with degenerative cerebellar atrophy

Recent studies have focused on the role of the cerebellum in the social domain, including in Theory of Mind (ToM). ToM, or the "mentalizing" process, is the ability to attribute mental states, such as emotion, intentions and beliefs, to others to explain and predict their behavior. It is a fundamental aspect of social cognition and crucial for social interactions, together with more automatic mechanisms, such as emotion contagion. Social cognition requires complex interactions between limbic, associative areas and subcortical structures, including the cerebellum.

Direct and indirect associations of empathy, theory of mind, and language with prosocial behavior: gender differences in primary school children

The authors examined the contributions of empathic concern, perspective taking, theory of mind (ToM), and receptive language to prosocial behavior in a sample of primary school children between 8 and 11 years old. Results showed that empathic concern, perspective taking, and ToM had direct positive effects on prosocial behavior. Girls exhibited higher levels of empathic concern and prosocial behavior; furthermore, gender moderated the observed associations, as perspective taking and ToM were positively and significantly associated with prosocial behavior in boys but not in girls.

Are belief-based justifications associated with metalinguistic awareness? A cross-sectional study in school-age children

Previous research has consistently demonstrated that false-belief (FB) understanding correlates with and predicts metalinguistic ability in preschoolers. Surprisingly, however, there is scant evidence on the question of whether this relation persists at later ages. The present cross-sectional study sought to fill this gap by examining the association between FB understanding, belief-based justifications and metalinguistic awareness.

Comunicazione animale e "soglia" semiotica: un tema da ripensare?

After an initial interest in a zoosemiotic perspective, European semiotics focused exclusively on human language, relegating the communicative performances of non-human animal species below the "semiotic threshold" (Eco 1975). However, ethological research in recent decades has made enormous progress that has shown the sophistication of the communication codes of many species (firstly primates and apes, but also dolphins, crows and other species phylogenetically distant from Homo sapiens) .

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