three-dimensional models

Three-dimensional evaluation of dental movement in orthodontics [Valutazione tridimensionale del movimento dentale in ortodonzia]

OBJECTIVES The aim of this study is to evaluate three-dimensionally the dental movement of impacted palatally canines, following an opercolectomy performed by laser. We also monitored patients with both digital and conventional method, with the purpose of evaluating the accuracy and validity of the monitoring methods compared. MATERIALS AND METHODS We analyzed 10 patients, 5 with double inclusion and 5 with single inclusion, for a total of 15 canines, impacted in the palatal site, were considered.

RELAP5-3D three-dimensional analysis based on Phénix dissymmetric transient test

Before the final shutdown of the PHÉNIX fast reactor, the CEA carried out a final set of experimental tests to gather data and additional knowledge on relevant sodium fast reactors (SFR) operation and safety aspects. One of these experiments conducted was the dissymmetrical configuration test, which was selected as benchmark transient within the H2020 SESAME project. ENEA and Sapienza University of Rome are participating in the benchmark using the RELAP5-3D# code. The thermal hydraulic analysis focuses on adequate core cooling prediction in accidental scenario.

GIS procedure to evaluate the relationship between the period of construction and the outcomes of compliance with building safety standards. The case of the earthquake in L’Aquila (2009)

The earthquake (Ml=5.8; Mw=6.3) that shook L’Aquila (Abruzzo region, Italy) on 6 April 2009 and caused
huge widespread damage in the other 56 municipalities of the seismic crater has also provided important
input to reflect proactively on the need to avoid the repetition of similar tragedies, learning from the calamities that have occurred. In fact, L’Aquila and the other municipalities hit by the earthquake represent
an open-air analysis laboratory to reveal and directly see the weak points of the different buildings on the

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