Tiber river

Landsscape diachronic reconstruction in the Tiber Delta during historical time. A holistic approach

The sensitivity of deltas in response to evolutionary factors makes
them important archives of the events that occurred in the entire river basin.
Detailed knowledge of the stratigraphy and morphology, combined
with a set of archaeological, palaeobotanical and historical information,
make possible to reconstruct the diachronic changes of the landscape in
the Tiber delta plain over the past 3000 years taking into account natural
and anthropic forcing. The main factors that contributed to the delta

Rome in its setting. Post-glacial aggradation history of the Tiber river alluvial deposits and tectonic origin of the Tiber Island

The Tiber valley is a prominent feature in the landscape of ancient Rome and an important element for understanding its urban development. However, little is known about the city’s original setting. Our research provides new data on the Holocene sedimentary history and human-environment interactions in the Forum Boarium, the location of the earliest harbor
of the city. Since the Last Glacial Maximum, when the fluvial valley was incised to a depth

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma